Thursday, August 26, 2010

When cockroaches get a drinking song

This was pretty random. 
Was watching the documentary on NatGeo on cockroaches,
made me think of my friend who was scared of it,
then made me think of a theme song for them creepy crawlies.

Roaches, roaches crawling all over,
Roaches, roaches spawning all over,
Creepy crawlies,
Red and furry,
Giving you hell,
Wherever they can. 

Feeling all these emotions inside,

makes me wonder how differently the world would be without them.
All the pain and suffering,
all the anger and tears.
Makes me question every decision I have done,
every step I have took.
Perhaps I have missed a turn,
perhaps I have not.
With every passing smile I see,
I do wonder whether fate can be. 
Decisions decisions....

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